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Eco-Wise™ Mole Crickets

Mole Crickets

Mole Crickets

Identifying Mole Cricket Problems

Mole cricket adults are about 3/4 - 1 5/8 inches long. They are brownish to pinkish brown, sometimes with darker markings. The antenna is threadlike, relatively short and less than half their body length. Their front legs are broad and shovel like similar to moles. Nymphs are similar to adults but lack wings.

Mole Cricket Biology

The information summarized here is for the southern and tawny mole crickets. They overwinter as nymphs and adults with mating flights occurring in the spring. Some egg laying takes place throughout the year, but most occurs from late March to mid-June. About 35 eggs are deposited in an oval chamber usually made in the first 6 inches but up to 12 inches of soil. First adults appear in September. There is 1 generation each year.

Identifying Mole Cricket Infestations

Both species have a major spring flight and a minor autumn flight. Spring flights are from March to May for the southern mole cricket and from April to July for the tawny mole cricket. Autumn flights occur from October into December on warm evenings. These crickets are nocturnal. Large flights usually occur after heavy rains during warm weather, starting shortly after sunset and lasting about 1 hour. Mole cricket problems are strongly attracted to lights at night.

Mole cricket infestations are found in the light sandy to loam soil, never in heavy soil. Each cricket has its own burrow which may be up to 14 inches deep. Mole cricket problems come to the surface at night to feed, tunneling some 10-20 feet a night.

Nymphs are cannibalistic but feed mainly on roots, organic matter, other insects, and other small organisms. Southern mole cricket infestations feed more on insects whereas the tawny mole cricket feeds mostly on plant roots. They attach to plant roots, tubers and underground stems. Extensive damage has been done to seedlings of tobacco, sugar cane, ornamentals, tomatoes and other vegetables. However, mole cricket infestations are a most serious pest of turf grass.

How to Get Rid of Mole Cricket Problems

Getting rid of mole crickets can be tricky since they tend to build their nests in unique places. Our green mole cricket control experts will assess the mole cricket problem and any mole cricket damage prior to using mole cricket control plan, providing you with peace of mind when it comes to these potential unwelcome mole cricket infestations. And because Critter Control Eco-Wise™ Pest Services’ methods for mole cricket control are environmentally friendly and organic, there is no concern for your family and pets.

Critter Control Eco-Wise™ Pest Services has the knowledge, equipment, and skills to take care of all your mole cricket problems and will show you how to get rid of mole crickets for good! Call today: 1-877-ECO-WISE

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